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How to Cook Sorghum

Sharon Palmer

Learn how to cook with sorghum, including sorghum grain, sorghum flour and even sorghum syrup in this sorghum cooking guide with sorghum cooking tips, sorghum benefits, and sorghum recipes.

Chances are, you might not have heard of sorghum. Indeed, sorghum is an undervalued and certainly underutilized whole grain. This plant food originated in Africa, and from there it traveled on the Silk Road to Asia and India, eventually making its way to the United States on slave ships. Today, it is primarily used as livestock feed and fuel for ethanol. In Africa and Asia, however, its primary purpose is for human consumption. We should all take note and include this grain in our diets more often too! It thrives in drought-like conditions, therefore requiring very little water or maintenance, making it a perfect grain for the dry African climate. It is resistant to many plant diseases as well. Though it comes in many varieties, white, brown and bronze colored sorghum grains are the most common.

Spicy Sorghum Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers

Sorghum Nutrition

This grain is a nutritional powerhouse. Unlike other grains it has no inedible hull, which allows us to eat the entire grain and reap the benefits. Just ½ cup of cooked sorghum packs 6.4 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein! The high fiber content helps slow digestion and results in a steady source of energy without blood sugar spikes. Black sorghum is also packed with anthocyanin, an antioxidant that is not found in many other grains. It is rich in iron (15% DV) and phosphorus (13% DV), which foster red blood cell development and bone health.

Moroccan Chickpea Sorghum Bowl

How to Cook with Sorghum

It has a hearty, chewy texture, making it a rich and satisfying addition to your whole grain rotation. It can be eaten like oatmeal or porridge or used in a cold grain salad, and is an excellent substitute for rice in risotto recipes, although it does call for more water (Use a 3:1 water to sorghum ratio for cooking). When ground into sorghum flour, whole grain sorghum is an excellent substitute for whole-wheat flour and can be used to make pancakes or quick breads. You can even use sorghum syrup as a replacement for liquid sweeteners in your cooking.

Check out my five favorite ways to use sorghum.

Top 5 Ways to Use Sorghum

Raspberry Pistachio Sorghum Breakfast Bowl

1. Cook it up as a Whole Grain Breakfast Porridge

Instead of a bowl of steel cut oats, you can hunker down to a bowl of freshly cooked whole grain sorghum, which is rich in protein, fiber, and other nutrients that help stave off hunger. You can even cook it in a slow cooker for overnight porridge! Top it with seasonal fruit, a handful of nuts or seeds, and a splash of plant-based milk and you’re good to go!

Texas Vegan Chili with Sorghum

2. Stir it into Soups and Stews

The next time you make up a big batch of soup, stew, or chili, toss in a handful of sorghum along with your beans, veggies, broth, and seasonings. It will add texture, nutrition, and flavor.

Spicy Sorghum Avocado Salad

3. Sprinkle it in Salads

Tossing in precooked whole grains, such as sorghum, is a great way to add slow-digesting carbs, fiber, and nutrients to a light meal.

Use sorghum flour in baked goods, such as this recipe for Vegan Whole Wheat Banana Bread.

4. Whisk it into Baked Goods

Instead of using 100% wheat flour in your next baked recipe, why not try substituting half of it with sorghum flour? You’ll be surprised at how tender and moist the results will be with this gluten-free flour.

Creamy Chickpea Curry

5. Serve it as a Healthy Side

Skip the rice and potatoes at your next meal and serve a hearty side of simmered sorghum. It makes a great pairing for stir-fries, curries, nut loafs, and lentil patties.

Check out my video on cooking with sorghum here.

For other tips on how to use plant foods, check out the following:

How to Cook Kohlrabi
Persimmons 101: Health Benefits, Recipes, and More
How to Use Cherimoya
Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds
How to Cook All Greens

8 thoughts on “How to Cook Sorghum

    • Yes, you can absolutely used cooked sorghum as a replacement for cooked rice in a variety of recipes, such as with stir-fries or curries, in grain bowls, and salads.

  1. Hi,
    Can cooked sorghum be put in the fridge and eaten cold?
    Also can it be reheated from the fridge next day? Thanks

    • Thank you for this question. Yes, you can precook sorghum and refrigerate it and eat it cold. I use cold sorghum in salads, such as my XX and I precook it and rewarm it in many dishes during the week. Just refrigerate it in an airtight container for up to 5 days.

    • I don’t recommend using raw whole grains in cooking. They are difficult to digest without cooking. Flax seed is in a different category, and if they are ground, they can be digested. However, I love to use cooked grains in smoothies!

      • Great to know. We’re trying to very slowly incorporate sorghum into my daughters diet. She has ulcerative colitis and I understand sorghum is highly starch resistant. If we understand correctly it tends to make it to the large colon where the starch resistant fiber can help feed the micro biome there.

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