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5 Nutritionist Tips for Balancing Halloween Candy

Sharon Palmer

How much Halloween candy should kids eat? We’re here to help! Enjoy a happy Halloween in your home by balancing out the Halloween candy in a mindful way that promotes both health and enjoyment with the help of five nutritionists tips for balancing Halloween candy.

Happy Halloween! As Halloween approaches, parents’ concerns often mount over how to balance out kids’ parties laden with sugary treats, and that huge trick or treat bag stuffed with candy come Halloween night. I understand all about this, as I am a mother, and you can see my son Nicholas’ pictured below with his Halloween candy stash (although he’s now no longer a kid!). You don’t want to deprive your children of their Halloween fun and candy sweet treats, but you also don’t want to set them up for poor nutrition, grumpy mood swings, and lower academic concentration if they’re over-doing on sugar for half of the month of November. Clearly, many health organizations call for a reduction of added sugars to only 10% of the calories in kids diets, and that kids under two years of age not receive any added sugars at all! A healthy added sugar range is 25 grams (6 teaspoons) per day for children over 2. There are many health concerns linked with high added sugar intake among children, such as cardiometabolic issues. Kids also crowd out healthy, nutrient-rich foods when they munch on too many empty calorie sweets. But with candy season upon us, you can see how easy it is to blow way past those recommendations. What’s a parent to do? How do you retain the fun and joy of this holiday?

So, I sat down with some of my favorite registered dietitian nutritionists to ask for their top tips for dealing with Halloween candy overload, as well as managing Halloween trick or treating night in a joyful way. Read on for their best advice for balancing Halloween sweets in a joyful, mindful way.

My son Nicholas as a child, enjoying his Halloween candy stash.

5 Nutritionist Tips for Balancing Halloween Candy

Try to eat a healthy holiday breakfast, such as Pumpkin Overnight Oats.

1. Practice Mindful Moderation

This is not the time to enforce zero sugar, nor is the time to let Halloween mean an all out free for all on candy eating! There is a more mindful approach that offers balance. And this can move to focusing on foods beyond pure candy.

“I think a great tip is to remind families that Halloween is a fun filled time that should be enjoyed in moderation. I am a big proponent of the Teal Pumpkin Project. Every year I take pride in being the neighbor that passes out the nonfood item that ends up being the biggest hit! This year: glow in the dark straws! I think it’s important to remember even nonfood items are perfect gifts that all kids can enjoy regardless of their dietary needs and it breaks up the candy too for mom and dad!” says Elizabeth Shaw, MS, RDN, CLT of Shaw’s Simple Swaps.

The witch’s candy bowl is filled with candy that’s not so popular around our house.
The witch’s candy bowl is filled with candy that’s not so popular around our house.

2. Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Some candy treats have a real draw (in our house it’s Reese’s pieces!). So piling candy bowls with super attractive candy all month long reinforces a less mindful approach to enjoying treats. Try offering candy that is less enticing (such as hard candy or lollipops) to promote holiday festivities, while encouraging small more mindful portions of your favorite candies.

“My best tip is, if you are going to hand out candy to your neighborhood trick-or-treaters then purchase them as close to Halloween as possible (so they don’t stare you in the face for a few days or weeks) and to purchase candy or chocolate that you and your kids don’t like. I dislike taffy and both my children and I won’t go near them–those are the treats that I will try to purchase. That way I automatically remove any junk food temptations from the house,” says Toby Amidor, MS, RD.

3. Dole Out Candy

Another mindful approach to enjoying candy is to place the booty into a container and have your children select just a few pieces they’d like to enjoy each day. This will prolong the joy and increase the appreciation of treats when they are available.

“Have your child sort through her treats, choose a few to eat on Halloween and one or two for each day for the next month. Then donate the rest, or bring to your office so that you get it out of the house!” says Amy Gorin, MS, RDN.

This Creamy Pumpkin Hummus is a great healthy food choice before a Halloween party.

4. Focus on Healthy Foods First

The most important thing is to enjoy a rich diet of healthy, plant-based foods so that kids aren’t skipping out on important nutrients in lieu of candy. The candy can be enjoyed as a treat after the meal, which means they won’t “fill up” on candy first.

“Have a bowl of grapes, baby carrots, or cherry tomatoes to munch on during the trick-or-treat event (especially if you are the one passing out the candy). And before going out trick-or-treating, fill up on a healthy, delicious snack with protein and carbs. Your temptation for sweets will be reduced if you already have a full belly. A nice snack includes hummus with carrots, string cheese with fruit, trail mix,” says Sarah Koszyk, MA, RDN.

The families in my neighborhood usually get together for pre trick-or-treat appetizers, and I love to serve hummus w/ crackers and veggies, for a healthy, plant protein packed snack. Yes, my kids will be eating candy later, but at least I know they started the night out with a little nourishment in their bellies,” says EA Stewart, RDN at Spicy RD Nutrition. 

“Halloween can be a challenging time for parents to feed children healthfully. As a mother and a dietitian, I focus on what healthy foods I can make enjoyable for the night, rather than what I should be saying no to. Before sending my kids out trick-or-treating, I fill them up with protein packed, fiber-rich fun foods. Another important Halloween party tip is serving plenty of water, kids need to leave for the night well hydrated. Carrying along a water bottle is a good idea too. Leave the sweet treats to the collections of goodies they’ll receive.  Let your kids know they can enjoy a few of their favorite candies when they arrive home,” says Kathy Siegel, MS, RDN, CDN.

Include delicious, nutrient-rich foods for the month of October, such as this recipe for Vegan Pumpkin Bread with Pumpkin Seeds.

5. Don’t Worry Too Much

In the long run, this is just one season a year. If you place too many rules and restrictions on your child, you can foster an unhealthy relationship with food. Instead, try to bring balance and enjoyment to make the most of this fun holiday.

“Overeating one day won’t make or break your long-term health. If you over-indulge in the Halloween candy, remind yourself that it¹s okay to eat extra added sugar or sweets once and awhile. Simply return to your usual eating habits the next day by starting with a healthy, balanced breakfast.  Plan on following your usual eating pattern the next day. Anticipation of food restriction the next day sets you up for over-eating that day or night (“After all, if I’m never going to let myself eat this again, I might as well eat as much as I can now.”) Remind yourself that restrictive diets don’t work in the long run,” says McKenzie Hall, RDN.

For healthier plant-based treats, check out some of my favorites:

Spiced Pumpkin Smoothie
Pumpkin Spice Energy Balls
Vegan Pumpkin Bread with Pumpkin Seeds
Spiced Apple Compote with Quince Fruit
Chia Seed Pudding with Berries
Dark Chocolate and Cherry Nut Mix
Vegan Caramel Apple Microwave Mug

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