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Top 5 Healthy Ways to Use Potatoes

Sharon Palmer

The humble potato is a plant-based powerhouse. Though sweet potatoes are often seen as the health food superstar, white potatoes are great sources of vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B6, and fiber. When you think of potatoes, the first food to come to mind might be a plate of crispy French fries. While I enjoy this indulgent dish every once in awhile, there are so many other delicious and nutritious ways to prepare potatoes, which offer easy ways to pack in even more plant-based goodness.

There are so many fun varieties of potatoes, from the classic russets, to creamy yellow and baby reds, to deep royal purple, to uniquely shaped fingerlings. Though these different kinds are versatile and can often be interchanged for one another, I find that Russets are best for baking and mashing, and red, gold, purple, and fingerlings are wonderful for roasting. Read on to learn more of my favorite ways to prepare these terrific tubers. Check out my field trip on an Idaho potato farm here.

Potatoes fresh from the soil during harvest.

Top 5 Healthy Ways to Use Potatoes

Mashed Potatoes and Heirloom Carrots with Basil, Garlic, and Olive Oil

1. Mashed Potatoes. This is one of the easiest—and favorite–ways to prepare potatoes! Simply boil them for about 30 minutes and add in your desired mix-ins. Try this unique recipe that also incorporates heirloom carrots for even more nutrients. And check out my Instant Pot Vegan Mashed Potatoes, which you can cook up in minutes. And make an extra batch, as leftover mashed potatoes are a great way to top veggie pot pies!

Roasted Rosemary Potatoes and Tomatoes

2. Roasted Potatoes. There’s nothing like the smell of potatoes roasting in the oven! Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper plus your favorite blend of spices such as curry or an Italian blend and roast in a 375-degree oven for about an hour. Or try something a little more special, like this recipe for Roasted Rosemary Potatoes and Tomatoes for a new twist on a classic.

3. Homemade Potato Chips. For a healthier alternative to a classic bag of chips, thinly slice potatoes using a mandolin. Bake in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil and salt and enjoy them as a crispy snack.

Confetti Potato Salad

4. Potato Salad. This picnic staple can easily be made plant-based by using a vegan mayonnaise. This fun recipe for Confetti Potato Salad makes a colorful side dish that is veggie-packed and full of flavor.

Potato Crust Pizza with Tempeh and Greens

5. Potato Crust Pizza. This is a recipe that is sure to wow guests at your dinner party. Thinly sliced potatoes are tossed with corn starch, salt and pepper, then placed in a pie plate in concentric circles. Bake for 35 minutes and top with your favorite pizza toppings.

Check out more ways to used plant foods below:

Top 5 Ways to Use Sweet Potatoes
Top 5 Ways to Use Blackberries
Top 5 Ways to Use Avocados

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