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Busting Nutrition Myths

Sharon Palmer

Should I eliminate gluten from my diet? Which “superfoods” should I eat? Are “natural” foods any better for me? These are the questions on the minds of thousands of consumers today. Yet the information presented on the Internet and in many magazine articles is not always accurate,  giving rise to many myths and urban legends about which foods you should eat to achieve optimal health. Leading nutrition experts weigh in on some of today’s top nutrition myths.

Top Nutrition Myths

Sriracha Sesame Breakfast Tofu Sandwich

Going Gluten-Free is the Best Way to Lose Weight. Eliminating gluten is one of today’s hottest diet trends—the gluten-free food  business is set to reap $7 billion this year, and more than half of  these foods will be purchased by people with no clear medical reason to  avoid gluten. “While individuals with diagnosed celiac disease and  gluten sensitivity must go gluten-free, scores of others are also  shunning this protein found in wheat and barley. They do so with  misguided hopes of getting healthier, dropping pounds, improving sports  performance and more. There are healthier ways to lose weight,” says  Jill Weisenberger, M.S., R.D., C.D.E.,Virginia-based dietitian and author of “Diabetes Weight Loss—Week by Week.” She reports that this fad diet can lead you to miss out on important nutrients found in whole grains, which have been linked with less heart disease, obesity and some types of cancer.

Superfoods for better health. You’ve seen “superfoods” touted in the media, but the message that some plant foods are better than others may not be entirely accurate. “Often fruits or vegetables are declared ‘superfoods’ on the basis of their  antioxidant content,” says Karen Collins, a nutrition advisor for the American Institute for Cancer Research. However, she explains that the antioxidant levels of foods determined in a test tube may not mean much  to the human body. “When you hear about superfoods, it’s easy to assume  that eating ‘regular’ vegetables and fruits doesn’t matter. Nothing  could be further from the truth. Studies suggest that we get maximum health benefits from eating a wide variety. Synergistic effects of the different nutrients and phytochemicals they contain seem to add up to provide more health-protective effects than any single ‘superfood’ can  provide,” says Collins.

Thai Carrot Mint Salad

Only salt-sensitive people need to cut back on sodium. The U.S. Department of Health reiterated the importance of cutting sodium in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, suggesting that limits of up to 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day for healthy people, and even as low as 1,500 mg for those at high risk for hypertension. However, many people believe that this rule only applies those who are ‘salt-sensitive.’ “The fact is that we are all salt-sensitive to some degree, and the large majority of us are vulnerable to the risks of a high-salt diet. 90 percent will develop high blood pressure – known as ‘the silent killer’ – at some point in life, and most cases are in response to the outrageous amount of salt that taints our food supply. Lowering sodium in our diet is a public health necessity, one that would benefit all of us,” says Janet Bond Brill, a heart disease expert and author of “Blood Pressure Down.”

Sugar is toxic. While most Americans are  certainly eating more sugar than is healthful – 16 percent of our total calories come from the sweet stuff – it doesn’t justify the paranoia that many attach to sugar. “Although some people vilify sugar as the cause of everything under the sun, including obesity and type 2 diabetes, there’s not enough evidence from long-term studies to conclude that sugar is, in and of itself, toxic and causes disease and other adverse health effects,” says Elisa Zied, a dietitian and author of “Nutrition at Your Fingertips.” However, she adds, consuming too much added sugar from sugary beverages, candy, and desserts at the expense of foods that provide invaluable nutrients like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts is certainly not a recipe for optimal health.

Fresh produce is always best. Many people don’t consider preserved produce like canned, frozen or dried products to count as a serving of fruits or vegetables, according to  surveys. However, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) doesn’t  differentiate between the forms in which these foods are eaten. “Picked at the peak of freshness, frozen and canned produce offers a comparable, and in some cases more favorable, nutrition contribution,” says Barbara Ruhs, a supermarket dietitian for Bashas’ Family of Stores in Arizona.  In fact, some nutrients such as the antioxidant lycopene in tomatoes are more bioavailable to your body when they are heat-processed during canning. Also, preserved produce is a more sustainable choice when fresh produce is out of season.

Chocolate Zucchini Cake

You must give up your favorite foods. Some popular diets would have you think you can never enjoy a slice of cake on your birthday or a handful of chips at a backyard barbeque. However, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) states that it’s a person’s total diet – what someone eats day in and day out – that really matters. “You don’t have to give up your favorite foods to gain health benefits. Simply focusing on adding extra servings of fruits and vegetables offers more payoff than completely gutting your diet,” suggests David Grotto, a dietitian and author of “The Best Things You Can Eat.” Creating an environment of healthy food choices every day by focusing on whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables can allow for modest servings of treats.

Organic is always healthier. Time and time again surveys find that consumers rate organic foods as ‘healthier’ than their conventional counterparts. But studies don’t always support this. “Just because a food is labeled ‘organic’ doesn’t mean it’s more nutritious. Stanford University researchers analyzed 240 studies and concluded that organic foods are not more nutritious than conventional foods. However, choosing organic can reduce exposure to pesticide residues and antibiotic-resistant bacteria,” says Zied. And organic food production can be better for the environment, wildlife, and farming communities. But remember that organic junk foods like cookies, snack foods and chips are definitely no healthier than conventional junk foods.

Thai Tofu Veggie Noodle Bowl

Soy is dangerous. Urban legend is abound on soy, purporting that it causes everything from feminizing effects on men (not true) to breast cancer. “At one time there was concern that compounds in soy known as phytoestrogens could promote estrogen-sensitive cancers, including the most common form of breast cancer. Now we have more studies in people showing that soy may reduce risk of breast cancer if consumed in youth or adolescence. Although it may not diminish the risk in women who begin eating soy  later in life, there’s no sign of an increase in risk. Moderate  consumption, one to two servings a day, is now considered safe, even for women who had estrogen receptor positive breast cancer,” says Collins.

Natural means nutritious. Food marketers have learned that writing ‘natural’ on the food label really sells. It conjures up images of wholesome ingredients plucked straight  from nature. But this term is deceiving. “There is not a true definition for ‘natural’ on food labels,” says Jessica Crandall, a certified diabetes educator at Sodexo Wellness and Nutrition, and national  spokesperson for the AND. Indeed, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to develop a definition for use of this term on food labels.

For other blogs on healthy, plant-based eating, check out the following:

18 Non-Diet Tips for Healthy Eating from Top Nutritionists
Eating for Healthy Aging
The Path to a Healthy Vegan Diet

Written by Sharon Palmer, MSFS, RDN May 2013; Updated June 25, 2019

Image: Super Acai Berry Bowl, Sharon Palmer, MSFS, RDN

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