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Whole Grains, Good for Your Health and Wallet

Sharon Palmer

Boosting whole grains in your diet is one of the healthiest—and most economical—ways you can pump up your health. With every delicious bite, whole grains deliver fiber, plant protein, essential vitamins and minerals, and even antioxidant compounds. It’s no wonder a body of science shows that eating more whole grains can reduce the risk of the chronic disease killers of our time, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. A recent study found that eating at least three servings of whole grains every day could lower the risk of cardiovascular disease-related death by 25%.

Sorghum Berry Breakfast Bowl

Looking for more benefits? Eating whole grains, such as whole wheat, oats, and brown rice, doesn’t have to bite you in the wallet. Whole grains are easy to prepare, shelf-stable, and budget-friendly. And, not to mention delicious. The chewy, nutty flavor of whole grains can add depth and intrigue to your favorite meals, such as soups, side-dishes, salads, casseroles, and breads.

Stir-Fried Thai Tofu Sorghum Bowl

Check out my Top 5 Ways to Boost your Diet with Whole Grains:

  1. Start the Day with Whole Grains. There is no need to miss whole grains at the most important meal of the day, thanks to options like whole grain porridge (think beyond oats; try quinoa, millet, or grits), muffins, pancakes, waffles, and toast.
  2. Swap out Potatoes for Whole Grains. Tired of the same old side-dish? A world of tasty ancient grains awaits you. Try a side of quinoa, farro, sorghum, or barley for a change of pace and fiber boost.
  3. Keep it Intact. The healthiest form of whole grains is their intact, whole form, such as kernels of brown rice, spelt, or wheat berries. You gain the benefits of slow-digesting carbs, protein, and fiber, as well as a slue of vitamins and minerals. Try using a rice cooker to easily cook up a batch of whole grains to use throughout the week.
  4. Toss it Up. One of the best ways to feature whole grains is in salads. Toss cooked bulgur, sorghum, millet, or wild rice into your next salad for flavor, nutrition, and satisfaction.
  5. Borrow Ethnic Flavors. When it comes to whole grains, cultural traditions around the planet really know how to do it right. Borrow flavor pairings from around the globe, such as brown basmati rice with chickpea masala, quinoa with Peruvian potatoes, and couscous with mint.

Try one of my favorite recipes for whole grains, Edamame Masala Brown Rice Basmati Bowl, and check out the video for this recipe here.

Image: Apple Cardamom Oatmeal from Plant-Powered for Life, Sharon Palmer, RDN

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